About Us

About BRICS+

BRICS is an acronym that represents an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The group was originally known as “BRIC,” formed in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill to denote the emerging economic powerhouses of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. South Africa joined the association in 2010, leading to the group’s reconfiguration as BRICS.

These countries, while diverse in terms of geography, culture, and political systems, share common goals of promoting economic development, cooperation, and influence on global issues. BRICS serves as a platform for dialogue and cooperation among member nations on various fronts, including economics, politics, finance, culture, and security.

The primary objectives of BRICS include:

  • Economic Cooperation: Enhancing trade and investment among member nations, exploring avenues for economic collaboration, and promoting economic growth.
  • Political Cooperation: Engaging in discussions on global political issues, aiming to amplify the collective voice of emerging economies on international platforms.
  • Cultural Exchange: Encouraging mutual understanding and cultural exchange among member countries to strengthen people-to-people connections.
  • Development Projects: Collaborating on development projects, infrastructure, and sustainable initiatives within and outside member nations.

The BRICS nations convene annually for summits where leaders discuss and strategize on various issues, including economic policies, global governance, and international affairs. These summits often result in joint declarations and agreements aimed at fostering cooperation and addressing common challenges faced by member countries.

The group’s significance lies in its potential to reshape global economic dynamics and provide an alternative perspective on global governance, offering a counterbalance to traditional western-centric economic and political structures.

Over time, the scope of BRICS cooperation has expanded, with discussions on financial cooperation, technology, health, and sustainable development becoming increasingly prominent within the group.

In a notable development, BRICS is set to expand in 2024, incorporating six additional countries—Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. This expansion, known as BRICS+, marks a crucial step in broadening the bloc’s representation and influence. The inclusion of these nations is expected to contribute to a more comprehensive approach to economic cooperation, political dialogue, cultural exchange, and collaborative development projects within the enlarged BRICS+ framework. As the group evolves, its expanded membership will likely play a pivotal role in shaping the global economic and political landscape, reflecting a more diverse and inclusive vision for international cooperation.


South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2018 and registered with the Department of Social Development in South Africa (205-671 NPO), with the vision to be the leading voice of Youth within BRICS+ and Advocate for their rights and interests in the decision making processes. Its mission is to provide youth with the opportunity to meaningfully participate in BRICS+ relations from a Global South  perspective and strengthen linkages, institutional cooperation and people-to- people exchanges within the BRICS+ and multilateral platforms.

SABYA aims to enhance understanding and cooperation among young people from South Africa, Global South and other BRICS+ countries through various initiatives, including conferences, seminars, workshops, skills programmes, and cultural exchanges. The organization strives to create a platform where young people can network, share ideas, and work together on projects that contribute to the development and prosperity of their respective nations. SABYA plays a significant role in advocating for youth empowerment, education, entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainable development. It seeks to empower young people to actively participate in decision-making processes that shape policies and programmes within the BRICS+ framework. By fostering collaboration and dialogue, SABYA seeks to leverage the collective potential of BRICS+ youth to address global challenges and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SABYA’s notable achievements include successfully launching and hosting events such as the World Youth Summit 2019, where two deputy ministers participated. Additionally, the organization hosted the BRICS Summer School South Africa in 2022 and 2023, with the participation of ministers and deputy ministers, the BRICS Youth Innovation Summit, and the Africa-BRICS Youth Forum. Due to its excellent work in the BRICS youth framework, SABYA was nominated to be the co-secretariat of the Civil BRICS South African Chapter.

SABYA works closely with the government, particularly the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and the Department of Women, Youth, and Persons with Disabilities. The organization has the support of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation. In recognition of its impactful work, SABYA was granted Public Benefit Organization status (930078532) by the South African Revenue Service in June 2023, emphasizing SABYA’s vision and mission for the public good.

Through its activities, SABYA also aims to promote cultural diversity, mutual understanding, and friendship among young people in South Africa, the Global South and the BRICS+ countries. It seeks to build bridges of cooperation and foster a sense of unity and shared purpose among the youth of these nations. SABYA is dedicated to empowering youth, fostering cooperation, and building a network of young experts to actively contribute to the BRICS+ agenda and global affairs. SABYA also engages with policymakers and other stakeholders to advocate for policies and programs that support youth development, international relations and cooperation. SABYA plays an important role in empowering young people in South Africa and other BRICS+ countries to become active participants in shaping their future and contributing to sustainable development.

Our Objectives
Our Objectives

To create a platform for South African and global south youth to participate in BRICS+ to influence policy agenda. To empower South African youth to become active agents of change within BRICS+, the global South, and other multilateral platforms such as UN, G20, AU. To facilitate and host programmes that support BRICS+ initiatives and create opportunities for youth empowerment.

Our Vision
Our Vision

To be the leading voice of Youth within BRICS+ and Advocate for their rights and interests in the decision making processes.

Our Mission
Our Mission

To provide youth with the opportunity to meaningfully participate in BRICS+ relations from a Global South perspective to strengthen linkages, institutional cooperation and people-to- people exchanges within the BRICS+ and multilateral platforms.


We are the passionate individuals behind South African Youth in BRICS+ Affairs (SABYA). Our team is dedicated to creating a platform that empowers South African youth and enables them to participate in BRICS+ initiatives and influence policy agendas.


Founder and Executive Chairman

Ms Margret Molefe

Deputy Executive


Director of Membership And IT

Dr Letjedi Thabang Mabinane

Director For Research And Policy Development

Nikhil Sewdass

Director in the office of the Executive Chairman

Nthabeleng Senooane

Director of Operations

Lethiwe Maritz

Director of Projects

Bophelo Tsholo

Director of Marketing and Communications

Sonali Diplall

Deputy Director of Membership

Our Board Members



Arina Muresan (South Africa)

Deputy Chairperson

Siyethemba Mahloko (South Africa)
Emilio Mendonça Dias da Silva (Brazil)
Elen de Paula Bueno (Brazil)
Kenneth Diole (South Africa)
Parvez Hayat (India)
Valeriia Gorbacheva (Russia)
Akil Mohammad (India)
Frank, Lin Wu (China)

Our Partners and Stakeholders